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Phenix fibersect.multi.2™, Mechanical Connector Cleaver for Multi-Fiber Connectors


Phenix fibersect.multi.2™, Mechanical Connector Cleaver for Multi-Fiber Connectors. Adapters required and must be purchased separately.
The fibersect.multi.2™ quickly cuts off the epoxy and fibers protruding from the face of connector ferrules during the installation process. It produces a flat cut close to the MT ferrule face, creating the ideal surface for polishing. Throughput is improved by eliminating manual steps such as hand cleaving, de-nubbing and epoxy removal. The multi.2 is optimized for cutting 4 to 72 fiber MT ferrules as well as large diameter fibers used with SMA connectors. With a simple one button operation, small footprint, and battery power, the fibersect.multi.2 provides exceptional versatility, portability, and ease of use in the production environment.

The Phenix fibersect.multi.2™, Mechanical Connector Cleaver for Multi-Fiber Connectors will be at the following trade show(s)*:

  • Fiber Connect
  • IWCS Supplier Exhibition
  • ECOC
  • OFC
  • SPIE Photonics West
*subject to change, please confirm with the Fiber Optic Center team

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